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-NFL players and their Wives experience a Makeover and

Media Training together-

PHOENIX, AZ - Approximately 25 NFL Players and their wives will take charge of their brands off the field for a unique training event with top image consultants, media specialists, stylists, and photographers for The b2 Effect. Together with television, radio and print journalists, this event is designed to bring peak marketability, branding and exposure to the personal, commercial or charitable brand of our exclusive participants.

Created by Boom Media and Image Consulting, a boutique Public Relations and Marketing firm, The b2 Effect was designed to merge image consulting with media and public relations for the athlete, professional, executive and student to help coach them to effectively interact with the media.

The b2 Effect session will be held WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2015 at MANDARICH STUDIOS (17255 North 82nd St. #135 | Scottsdale, AZ 85255)***directly across from the PGA tournament*** from 2 to 6 pm. FormerSeattle Seahawks Offensive linemen Chester Pitts and Pro bowler Wade Smith, along with his wife Rita Smith, CEO of NAPZ, Brandi Maxwell, are among many of the attendees.

The b2 Effect takes media training to a new level. It prepares participants to respond to the media in any situation and gives them the confidence to feel and look great. The b2 Effect is a four (4) hour interactive session broken into six (6) essential components: Makeup, Hair/grooming, Attire, Head Shots (Photography), Media Training and Media Interviews (Television, Radio and Print). Our professional stylists and makeup team will make attendees dazzle in front of the camera of celebrity photographer and former NFL Offensive Lineman Tony Mandarich. The Boom Media and Image Consulting experts who created The b2 Effect will lead the Media Training and Public Relations component. The b2 Effect is not what you THINK you need, but it IS what you need. Prep, prime and 3, 2...I am The b2 Effect...

Mandarich Studios

Sponsors of The b2 Effect - MAC Cosmetics, NAPZ Live Lids, Boom Media and Image Consulting, Verizon and Mandarich Studios.

Media are highly encouraged to arrive at 3:30 pm for b-roll and interviews with all attendees.


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